Document Type : Special
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Malayer University, Iran.
2 DepAssistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Malayer University, Iran
Luxury, as an inherent and natural thing and means the desire and tendency to beauty and its manifestation, appears in the form of voluntary actions and in different dimensions of life. This voluntary act, like other voluntary acts that are characterized as good and bad from the point of view of Islamic morality, is not immune from the excesses that are referred to as harm and reprehensible luxury.Although the disadvantages of luxury are many, But in this article with descriptive-analytical method and with emphasis on modern lifestyle that is based on individualism and presents itself in the form of ostentatious consumption, ostrich, fame, accumulation of wealth and loneliness. It shows and according to a kind of customary ambiguity in Mamdouh and the condemnation of this lifestyle as an injury, the categories of Mamdouh luxury and aesthetics are discovered from the perspective of Islamic teachings.The most important restrictions derived from verses and hadiths are a good life, a good and lawful sustenance, prestige, coexistence with the deprived, observing the weakness of the believers, good faith, sincerity and asceticism. Categories derived from Islamic principles, in order to design a religious lifestyle of good livelihood.
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