Document Type : Special
Ph.D of Philosophy of Islamic Education, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran. Iran
This article has been written with the aim of examining the function of self-esteem in the prevention of social injuries and in particular the prevention of moral corruption. In order to understand the meaning and purpose of the narrations containing this concept and to identify the related concepts, the jurisprudence of hadith has been used as a research method and also the method of inference as appropriate. The findings of the study indicate that the sense of self-worth, which is realized as a kind of evolution of insight about the divine origin of man and his existential truth as well as self-knowledge in man, acts as a stimulus and internal motivating factor effective in moral behavior and prevention of moral and social injuries. A person who feels honor and greatness in the service of self-love and love of perfection of the soul (which are natural things) with things that cause the humiliation and humiliation of the human soul; Feels incompatible and avoids them. In addition, the feeling of self-dignity is one of the factors that evoke the trait of modesty in human beings, which has very special functions in not subjecting human beings to moral vices and ugly behaviors. On the other hand, the feeling of inferiority, lowliness and humiliation of the soul is the basis for committing evils and giving in to humiliations and vices. Supporting and guaranteeing the emergence of the function of self-esteem in preventing moral and social injuries is that this process is comprehensive, preparatory and perceptual and stimulating principles for the realization of human behavior and based on internal motivations in the realization of human action.
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