Document Type : Special


1 1. PhD in Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, Department of Psychology, Qom. Iran

2 M.Sc., Positive Psychology, Institute of Higher Education, Ethics and Education, Qom. Iran


Sexual health is one of the most important human concerns and one of its basic prerequisites is sexual education. The method of this research is qualitative analysis of documents. Giving man independence and his needlessness from God, authenticating individual freedoms and denying moral principles and values, materialism, the originality of pleasure in hedonistic behaviors and actions, are among the most important principles of liberalism in sex education. From the Islamic point of view, sex education should be based on monotheism and morality and put him on the path of growth. In hedonism, man has a framework with a fixed moral value. The system of sexual education in the Islamic approach is based on principles such as three principles: 1) God-centeredness, 2) Nature-based 3) Dignity of the soul.
Content-oriented education and comprehensive sex education are considered as sexual education strategies in the West. The goal of these strategies is more health and control of sexually transmitted diseases than the elimination of sexual relations outside the framework of marriage; Unaware that, according to available research and evidence, these trainings themselves are one of the factors increasing sexual problems in the West. In contrast, in the Islamic approach, sex education is commensurate with human nature and self-respect. Immunization based on refinement, upbringing, and empowerment is the basic Islamic strategy in sex education. Education based on these principles and strategies can help self-efficacy and management of sexual behavior and guide it in the natural path of sexual response, while promoting healthy sexuality.


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